…at least one way I write songs. I know it sounds like gibberish but bare with! There’s no one way to do anything creative. There’s no right, there’s no wrong. There’s only you and your expression. Each of us possesses a unique creative fingerprint, and that’s what make art so beautiful and diverse. When it comes to writing songs, this process is just one a bunch of variations. Inspiration can strike at any time, I have hundreds of scribbled lyrics, voice note melodies and half complete Logic projects. Sometimes it’s a slower exploration, to piece together fragments of emotions and experiences until they harmonize into a cohesive composition. There’s no one way, no right or wrong approach. Embrace the freedom to create, to explore, and to celebrate your own unique creative journey. Anyway this is a concept I started recently. What do you think? Love #newmusic #songtherapy #britishsinger