Videos The Scilly Isles are a little cluster of islands that are part of the UK just of the coast of Lands End. It’s amazing to think that we have somewhere that looks like the Bahamas in the UK. #holiday #ukgetaway #getaway #summer August 9, 2023
Videos How to make your own oat milk at home. Attempt 1. Any tips leave them in the comments! #homemade #oatmilk #coffee #matcha #dairyfree August 8, 2023
Videos Get a haircut with me! With @rickyandthe64 at @salon64london treating me to not only the best spicy margarita and rosé in town but also the perfect trim. Big hugs 🤗 #grwm #menshair #soho August 7, 2023
Videos Get ready with me for a spooky chic premiere look. What do you think? Halloween came early and I’m here for it. #grwm #mensfashion #ootd August 4, 2023
Videos What a week of love, fun and endless excitement! 20’s, you were a lot. You broke me, fixed me, and guided me through traumas I never thought I’d encounter, but I made it through. I’ll remember you for all you have taught me and wave goodbye with a smile whilst whispering thank you. As I bid farewell I’ll wrap my arms around myself and squeeze a George Hug into my shoulders. I love you. Looking back on all I have been through – the good, the bad, the unexpected – I realise that it has shaped me, and for that, I hold only gratitude and love in my embrace. Apparently, 30’s are said to be the best years of a lifetime, so everybody hold on tight and buckle up. I’m not slowing down, and I’m certainly not growing up. Thank you to everybody who made this week so unforgettable and for the unwavering support and love of everyone I hold so dear in my heart. ✌🏼 August 3, 2023
Photos Videos “These people, they can’t save me from my grief… but that can save me from you.” – Best quote in the movie. We went to the premiere of Disney’s Haunted Mansion last night and it was incredible. The cast, the FX, the story urghhhh I loved it. We laughed and cried, again, and I think 2023 has already been an amazing year for cinema. @disneystudiosuk #hauntedmansion #friends #love #scary #spookychic July 26, 2023
Videos Last week I did a blindfolded shopping spree! Everything has arrived and it’s time to unbox them. #random #shopping #unboxing #kawaii #cute July 24, 2023
Videos The daily life of a superhero ⚡️🏃♂️💨 Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it! 🤓 The Flash is out now and I was lucky to have a home premiere kit sent to me thanks to @warnerbrosuk 💛 had the best fun getting creative with this one. #TheFashMovie #Superhero #Unboxing July 21, 2023
Videos How many times can you watch this on repeat with the volume on max without breaking? I challenge you. #challenge #giggle #funny July 20, 2023
Photos He’s a Doctor! Made it to the graduation by the skin of our teeth. Absolutely beaming with joy for you @rory_naylor 🥰 I know how much this means to you. How much you’ve been though. The countless hours of hard graft, determination, commitment and consistency. Though adversity and challenge, you made this your reality. You did it and you should be so proud of yourself. I know I am. ♥️ July 18, 2023
Photos Said I didn’t wanna leave… spoke too soon! Weather conditions have left us stranded and we might not make it back to Oxford in time for @rory_naylor’s graduation tomorrow. Not a bad place to be castaway though 😅 Praying to the NHS gods they can squeeze us in on an emergency flight ✈️ Keep everything crossed for us 🌈 Dr. Naylor needs you #drama #stranded #stillsmiling July 14, 2023
Videos Monday morning routine, filmed on a Thursday, found in my drafts 😅 I’m on holiday k xxx #morningroutine #grwm #haha July 10, 2023
Videos Plectrum Dilemma… Just had a hilarious yet frustrating moment while recording a cover of Paolo Nutini’s New Shoes. I was strumming away and suddenly, plink! My plectrum decided to take a dive into the abyss of my guitar ffs. All you can do is shake shake shake, in the hope that it magically reappears. 😂 They are stubborn little B@$tards. I’m sure anyone who plays guitar can relate. Just another added layer of challenge in recording music content. The show must go on, with or without a plectrum! #cover #guitar #struggles July 7, 2023
Videos …at least one way I write songs. I know it sounds like gibberish but bare with! There’s no one way to do anything creative. There’s no right, there’s no wrong. There’s only you and your expression. Each of us possesses a unique creative fingerprint, and that’s what make art so beautiful and diverse. When it comes to writing songs, this process is just one a bunch of variations. Inspiration can strike at any time, I have hundreds of scribbled lyrics, voice note melodies and half complete Logic projects. Sometimes it’s a slower exploration, to piece together fragments of emotions and experiences until they harmonize into a cohesive composition. There’s no one way, no right or wrong approach. Embrace the freedom to create, to explore, and to celebrate your own unique creative journey. Anyway this is a concept I started recently. What do you think? Love #newmusic #songtherapy #britishsinger July 6, 2023